1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 31, 2008 10:34 AM by pgier

    maven-metadata.xml and 'mvn release:perform'


      While doing a jboss-common-core release, the following maven-metadata.xml was updated:https://svn.jboss.org/repos/repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jboss/jboss-common-core/maven-metadata.xml

      a) I can see version 2.2.3.GA missing. Given this one was used by other components, I conclude the maven-metadata.xml is not always necessary?
      b) Anyone knows if ordering is important?
      c) What's the meaning of v2.0.5.GA as it is recorded below?

      After a quick search, I didn't much about the maven-metadata schema.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

      Another problem I noticed is the moment you are doing the 'mvn release:perform' you need to have checked all the versions of a component, in-order to get access to the maven-metadata.xml, so the new version is correctly added. That means a lot of garbage in your local filesystem, just to do a simple release.

        • 1. Re: maven-metadata.xml and 'mvn release:perform'


          "dimitris@jboss.org" wrote:

          a) I can see version 2.2.3.GA missing. Given this one was used by other components, I conclude the maven-metadata.xml is not always necessary?

          The metadata is recommended but not really required. If you have a dependency on version 2.2.3.GA in your project it will still download fine. I would like to set up a repository manager that could be used to fix any broken metadata.

          b) Anyone knows if ordering is important?

          No the ordering is not important. It's just a list that can be used for client tools (maybe IDE plugins) to easily look up what versions are available.

          c) What's the meaning of v2.0.5.GA as it is recorded below?

          According to one of the developers on the maven irc this version is ignored. I guess it was used in the past but not anymore.

          Another problem I noticed is the moment you are doing the 'mvn release:perform' you need to have checked all the versions of a component, in-order to get access to the maven-metadata.xml, so the new version is correctly added. That means a lot of garbage in your local filesystem, just to do a simple release.

          Yeah, this is a problem with using svn to back our repository. Most maven repositories upload via webdav or some kind of straight file copy. I'm not sure what is a better solution for this assuming that we want to keep svn. If svn allowed you to filter which files/directories you checkout it would help, but I don't think there is currently a way to do that.