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1. Re: common.text package update
julien1 Aug 29, 2007 12:39 PM (in response to julien1)I reimplemented QueryStringParser to use the new FastURLDecoder and also to be more fault tolerant. The previous version actually did not have any test unit testing......
Thanks Thomas for aligning 2.6 with those changes. -
2. Re: common.text package update
antoine_h Mar 21, 2008 4:32 AM (in response to julien1)Hello,
I looked at the FastURLDecoder and the way it is used in the JSF backing beans, such as :
Main question : FastURLDecoder is not multi thread safe ?
then, in the EditProfileAction, it is used like that :private final static FastURLDecoder decoder = FastURLDecoder.getUTF8Instance();
and getUTF8Instance returns the same static instance of FastURLDecoder.
then, in case two threads call the encode() method at the same time... there will be some mixing in the data, and bad result. no ?
I am not very used to these multi thread safe issues, but it seems to me that :
- either the FastURLDecoder should be programmed to be threads safe
- either it should not be used as a static in a jsf backing bean
did I missed something ? -
3. Re: common.text package update
julien1 Mar 21, 2008 6:51 AM (in response to julien1)It is thread safe, the fields of the class are accessed in write operations in the class constructor.
In the decode operations the fields are read only.