3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 28, 2008 3:31 AM by antoine_h

    Identity : no more JMX services for modules ?



      in 2.6.4, I noticed that the user module, role module, etc... are not anymore some JMX service.

      The IdentityModuleService class is not inheriting anymore from the AbstractJBossService class.

      see : 2.6.0 javadoc :

      2.6.4 javadoc :

      My question is to understand better the design and way the module are intended to work :
      - why this change ?
      - why modules do not need anymore to be some jboss services ?

      - I guess the modules are now beans, managed by the micro controller ? is that correct ?

      any explaination about all that will be helpfull... and help learn more about the jmx, beans etc...


        • 1. Re: Identity : no more JMX services for modules ?

          Mainly to remove unnecessary dependency on JBoss AS (as we aim to be server agnostic...).

          The lifecycle is managed by JBoss Microcontainer and modules are plain POJOs. The only difference is the methods to control lifecycle - start/startService and stop/stopService.

          • 2. Re: Identity : no more JMX services for modules ?

            Actually in JBoss AS, all the portal services remain JMX mbeans.

            For other version we will probably use the microcontainer annotations for creating management services.

            Perhaps also we are going to make more the difference between internal services and management interface exposed.

            An example of that is in Portlet 2, the different between:

            - PortletContainer : the portlet container interface as seen by the framework
            - PortletContainerObject extends PortletContainer : the interface that portlet container implementation must provide
            - ManagedPortletContainer : the interface exposed for management

            • 3. Re: Identity : no more JMX services for modules ?

              Thanks a lot for these explaination,

              I have modified the start stop methods in my classes.
              good to know it will really be the only thing.

              I have seen the architecture is improving a lot !
              very good job.
              thanks again.