2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 16, 2009 10:18 AM by tmblanks

    having to login multiple times with SSO

      I have tried to integrate several sso frameworks, and I am running into the same problem. When I click on the login button on the top right, I get the sso login page. I am able to authenticate, and it returns me back to the portal login dialog box. I then have to login to the portal login box as well. Correct me if I am wrong, once I login to the sso login, should it pass the credentials to portal? This way I do not have to login twice?

        • 1. Re: having to login multiple times with SSO

          That's typically the goal of SSO frameworks. The portal relies on standard JAAS/JavaEE security principles (ie: a JSESSIONID cookie, by default). So, you'll want to make sure your SSO framework supports this type of configuration or is properly integrated with your portal.

          • 2. Re: having to login multiple times with SSO

            Thanks for your response. Are there any articles that you know of, that can make this a seamless login? I have follwed step by step directions for CAS, JOSSO, and OpenSSO. I am getting the same results for all of them. I would prefer to work with CAS, but if I can get any of them working with a seamless login with portal, that would be great. Any help would be a great help. I am using OpenDS for the authenication.