2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 20, 2009 11:51 AM by chenwang

    setting up portlet user attributes for hosted portlets in jb


      (my first post so my apologies if someone has already asked similar question) I'm in the process of using the portlet container to create a customised portal for our orgnisation (we don't need a fully featured portal solution as we've been there before and don't want to spend too much time changing what's been implemented) and so far so good thanks for the simple jsp taglibs. The problem I'm facing now is that most of our in-house portlets rely on some user attributes which were provided in previous portal and in order to make smooth migration, new portal should also populate those user attributes. According to portlet spec, provisioning of user attributes may not be a clearly defined requirement for portal but I wonder if jboss/gatein portlet container has some sort of integration or plugin point I can use to achieve this? I don't mind looking at the source, just need some clear direction. Thanks!