1 2 Previous Next 22 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2007 5:56 PM by kconner Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse

        The xml-test resources should be combined with the normal resources.

        However, currently the tests add xml-test to the resource name to retrieve.

         protected void deploy(int number) throws Throwable
         String packageName = Classes.getPackageName(getClass());
         packageName = packageName.replace('.', '/');
         String name = "/xml-test/" + packageName + '/' + getName() + number + ".xml";
         getLog().debug("Using " + name);
         URL url = getResource(name);
         if (url == null)
         throw new RuntimeException("Resource not found: " + name);
         getLog().debug("url=" + url);

        In fact, as the name suggests, the tests need updating to the "new" abstract test case.

        • 16. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse

          Okay, I'll leave them alone then.

          BTW AbstractKernelConfigTest is also doing the same via XMLUtil.

          • 17. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse

            Since the resources folders are being moved, is it ok to move them into the standard maven directory layout?

            That way we wouldn't need to have the resources configuration in the pom at all.
            What we have now for spring-int is similar, but a little different.

            We could also move the java source files into the standard layout:

            • 18. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse

              We already use the standard maven names in the common project.
              It would make sense to be consistent.
              But let us know when you do it, otherwise you're going to break our WIP.

              • 19. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse


                "pgier" wrote:
                Since the resources folders are being moved, is it ok to move them into the standard maven directory layout?

                For what it is worth, +1 from me :-)

                • 20. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse


                  "adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
                  But let us know when you do it, otherwise you're going to break our WIP.

                  Tell me when you are finished and I will do it, no need for Paul to spend time on it. :-)

                  • 21. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse


                    "adrian@jboss.org" wrote:
                    Maven is telling a different story, e.g. for the container project

                    Okay, this has taken some time but it is another transitive dependency issue.

                    The reason the maven build is failing is that it is pulling in jboss-common-core version 2.0.3.GA instead of 2.0.4.GA.

                    • 22. Re: Tests don't work in eclipse

                      I have committed a fix for the transitive dependency.

                      The container tests should now work with maven 2.0.4 and 2.0.5.

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