4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2008 6:37 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Modal Dialog and Form Binding Issues


      Please advise?

      (Facelets,MyFaces, Tomahawk, A4j, Richfaces and Spring Webflow)

      I have a page containing a h:form, and a link to open a modal dialog also containing a h:form (not nested ofcourse).

      The modal form commandButton when clicked doesn't take any action. It's as if only 1 form exists or has control. If I point the button in f2 to click a button in f1 it submits..but binds f1 data ofcourse.

      I have tried using a4j:support on a selectOneMenu in f2, which does submit, but the values are null....i suspect its submitting f1.

      <h:form id="f1">
       ... Binds ok
      <h:form id="f2">
       <rich:modalPanel ..>
       <h:inputText value="#{bean.string}"/>
       <h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{bean.testAction}"/>

      Is this situation possible?