3 Replies Latest reply on May 1, 2008 12:35 PM by kukeltje

    special types of Nodes


      hi ,
      we have a basic JBPM based system , that supports process that is consisted os TaskNode type nodes .
      we want to insert Fork ,Join, and espesially Sub-Process type of Nodes .

      i have tried to add support to Fork Node , but it doesn't seem to work with our implementation .

      the problem is that in tis collection after these 2 lines :
      TaskMgmtInstance tmi = pi.getTaskMgmtInstance();
      Collection tis = tmi.getUnfinishedTasks(pi.getRootToken());

      i have only the first task , before the Fork , and not the task after it .
      why is it ?

      p.s. :
      i advance from the Fork node by doing :
      is it ok ?

        • 1. Re: special types of Nodes


          ...our implementation

          how can we know what that is? jBPM has fork nodes out of the box

          • 2. Re: special types of Nodes

            yes, the question was how do i :
            1. advance to the node under the fork ? by pi.signal() ?
            2. why don't i get the task under the fork as unfinished task ?

            • 3. Re: special types of Nodes

              the your subject was completely misleading
              1: no, you normally signal tasks or tokens. How should the processinstance know which token in the fork to signal when it just gets signalled itself. See the testcases in the source how thing can be done
              2: no idea... are there any tasks at all?