6 Replies Latest reply on May 31, 2006 10:47 AM by neoprem

    error at startup: 'jbossportal.jbp_users' doesn't exist


      I just installed the following on a new machine (Windows XP):
      JBoss AS 4.0.4
      MySQL 5.0.22
      JbossPortal 2.2

      I created a database called jbossportal, user=portal, password=****
      Granted all privileges to the portal user.

      I edited the mysql-ds and portal-mysql-ds appropriately.

      When I start the server, I get an exception reported as follows:
      java.sql.SQLException: Table 'jbossportal.jbp_users' doesn't exist

      However, when I log into mysql -uportal -p****, the table has been successfully created, but there are 0 records.

      Is there anything I am missing here? I seem to have followed the instructions correctly.
