0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 29, 2006 8:46 PM by antoine_h

    Bug ? CMS Admin : config of TinyMCE / CSS Styles


      It seems there is a bug in Tiny MCE configuration, about the styles used for the contents.

      The AdminCMS configure TinyMCE with the CSS style sheet of the theme (the first one given in the descriptor).
      But when doing this, it seems the WebApp context is forgotten in the url.

      mine is :

      content_css : "http://localhost:8080/themes/ShWaTheme/portal_style.css"

      and should be :
      content_css : "http://localhost:8080/MyLayoutWebApp/themes/ShWaTheme/portal_style.css"

      The css file is set in the portal-themes.xml descriptor :
      <link rel="stylesheet" id="main_css" href="/themes/ShWaTheme/portal_style.css" type="text/css" />

      With this, the css file is correctly set in the header of the html page link.
      I am using the jsp tag provided :
      <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portal-layout.tld" prefix="pLayout" %>
      <!-- inject the theme; default to the Nphalanx theme if nothing is selected for the portal or the page -->
      <pLayout:theme themeName='SWGenTheme'/>

      the link is correctly set for the pages, with the "MyLayoutWebApp" prefix added. So I gess it is the correct definition in the descriptor, and the WebApp context is forgotten in the CMSAdminPortlet.

      Workaround : I added a line in the portal-themes.xml descriptor :
      <link rel="stylesheet" id="main_css" href="/MyLayoutWebApp/themes/ShWaTheme/portal_style.css" type="text/css" />

      (It is set as the first css defined, because CMSAdminPortlet uses the first css definition to configure TinyMCE with it).

      this way, the tinyMCE gets it's style definition, and the whole page get the 2 definition of css in the header. The first one is wrong and the server return nothing, but that's ok with the browser : it ignore this.
      Not that clean... but allow to go on for the time being.

      Shall I post a Jira ?
