1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 21, 2008 11:55 PM by apemberton

    JBossRenderResponse createActionURL failed


      I cannot use JBossRenderResponse.createActionURL(PortalNode) to create a url for the action request. It always return a url that seems to be the same as the createRenderURL(PortalNode), which I think the action=2 parameter is the point of problem.

      The concerned system configuration is:
      JBoss Portal Verion is 2.6.4 from download
      JBoss AS version is 4.2.2
      Database Vendor and Version is Mysql 5.0.45
      OS Platform is winxp sp2.

      public static PortalNodeURL buildNodeActionPath
       ( ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response , String relPath ){
       JBossActionRequest jreq = (JBossActionRequest) request;
       JBossActionResponse jresp = (JBossActionResponse) response;
       PortalNode curNode = jreq.getPortalNode();
       PortalNode theRelativeNode = curNode.resolve(relPath);
       PortalNodeURL pageURL = jresp.createActionURL(theRelativeNode);
       return pageURL;

      Any idea if this is a problem or that the configuration is not correct?