1. Re: client authentication on a JRMP SSL connection; multiple
anil.saldhana Dec 9, 2009 3:34 AM (in response to ovidiu.feodorov)Ovidiu, you are welcome to use this forum to discuss the features and patches. We will certainly include good features and bug fixes in future releases.
2. Re: client authentication on a JRMP SSL connection; multiple
sguilhen Dec 9, 2009 12:46 PM (in response to ovidiu.feodorov)Features that come up when working on the field are usually good stuff to include as they reflect the needs from the end users. I think your idea of splitting the discussion in several sub threads is really good because it will make the discussions more focused.
3. Re: client authentication on a JRMP SSL connection; multiple
ovidiu.feodorov Dec 29, 2009 10:29 PM (in response to anil.saldhana)Please find below:
1. Client/Server Key Aliases at JBoss Security Domain Level
2. Option for Client Authentication at JBoss Security Domain Level
3. Configurable keyStoreProvider, trustStoreProvider, etc. at JaasSecurityDomain level
4. Support for External Credentials in LdapExtLoginModule
As mentioned on each individual issue, I have patches that have been tested and are ready to be applied, as soon as the Security team agrees that all (or some) of the above are good ideas. Please let me know, I am standing by.
4. Re: client authentication on a JRMP SSL connection; multiple
sguilhen Jan 6, 2010 1:23 PM (in response to ovidiu.feodorov)I've posted a reply to each one of the threads. With the exception of the second thread (client auth option in JaasSecurityDomain) I think all the features are pretty useful and we should include them. -
5. Re: client authentication on a JRMP SSL connection; multiple
ovidiu.feodorov Jan 12, 2010 10:59 PM (in response to sguilhen)Great, thank you.
I'll create JIRA issues for 1. 3. and 4. You mentioned that I can commit directly. Where? (alternatively, I can attach patches, but committing directly it's a lot better).
As for 2, I'll continue the discussion on the thread.
6. Re: client authentication on a JRMP SSL connection; multiple
sguilhen Jan 13, 2010 12:04 PM (in response to ovidiu.feodorov)Ovidiu, most of the code you'll be touching (org.jboss.security.ssl.*, JaasSecurityDomain) is located in the application server security module (trunk/security). However, the SecurityDomain interface is defined in the security-spi project, so the first thing we have to do is to apply all the needed changes to this interface and then cut a release of the security project. After that we can update the AS and perform the remaining changes.
Security-SPI svn:
Let me know when you're done so I can cut the release for you.