You never said whether you tried targets 07 and 09 in project ch09, and if those worked for you or not. As an aside, I think that the latest ZIP file for the examples should work fine, but just to be on the safe side you might want to get the sources from Subversion - I recall that one of the .NET client examples broke in 5.1.0.GA, but I think that was the only change in ch09 between 5.0.1 and 5.1.0.
Also, a brief description of what you are doing diufferently than what is in the book would help.
Finally, avoid using any IDE until you get it working. Usually the IDE just gets in your way (which is one of the reasons we avoided it when writing the book.) Using the IDE as a text editor is fine, just don't have it build anything for you, nor usa any of its wizards. And don't let the IDE compile or package anything.
If you insist onb using the IDE, then get a copy of JBoss Tools 3 Developer's Guide by Anghel Leonard. He goes into the steps needed to build web services via JBoss Tools.
I have to sing a soap message with a x.509 certificate and a private key that I have in a keystore.
I'm using Eclipse ... and I follow chapter 9, and the section 9.5, encrypting SOAP messages ...
I'm using jdk 1.5 and reference to the jboss AS 5.1.0 client folder , jbossall-client.jar and jbossws-native-client.jar
When I try to do a new of the Service I have:
Service service = new Service();
$Proxy errors are an indication of Classpath problems.
You should set this property in your run script or in Eclipse VM arguments.
You may also want to set up client logging: