8 Replies Latest reply on Apr 26, 2011 4:48 PM by melhamlaoui

    PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue



      I have been experimenting the Richfaces portlet in the Gatein 3.1 JBoss AS using PortletBridge 2.0 and it was working well as expected. Is it possible to deploy the Richfaces portlet using the JBoss PortletBridge 2.0 in tomcat?

      Issue: I wanted the deploy the Richfaces portlet in the Gatein 3.1 Tomcat server and make it work.

      Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it work.. My tomcat server was able to start properly without any runtime servers.. But, during the portlet render phase I'm getting the following error...

      Gatein.log file







      Aug 20, 2010 6:32:50 PM org.jboss.portletbridge.BridgeStrategy createStrategyInstance
      INFO: Bridge Strategy was not activated due to org/jboss/seam/Seam


      From the above exception, I understand that Seam Framework API's are missing. I wanted to identify the required JAR's and add it in the portlet WAR library directory.. Could anyone please help me on this with answer?


      1. GateIn-3.1.0-GA - Tomcat 6.1

      2. PortletBridge 2.0

      3. Richfaces 3.3


      I have attached my sample "tictactoe-portlet.war" with this discussion topic. Please try deploying in the Tomcat Gatein bundle and share the answer..

