1. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
stefan_tausendpfund Aug 22, 2010 3:32 PM (in response to crajkumarbe)Hi,
your sample renders in my Gatin with tomcat. The bridge tries to create different strategies: PlanJSF, richfaces, facelets and seam. The info message in the log tells you that the seam strategie could not be created as your web app is no seam project.
To answer your questions:it is possible to deploy a richfaces portlet using portletbridge in tomcat with gatein.
2. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
crajkumarbe Aug 22, 2010 9:48 PM (in response to stefan_tausendpfund)Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your response.
I have missed to mention that I was able to render the portlet page without seam framework API's.
My problem is, since Seam API's are not loaded, I wasn't able to use the Richfacaes API to design the UI layer.
And I was not able to play the TicTac game since the seam API is not loaded..
Could you please help me in finding the Seam dependency API JAR files to make this tictac portlet work?
Awaiting for your response..
Rajkumar -
3. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
prabhat.jha Aug 22, 2010 10:22 PM (in response to crajkumarbe)Are you using the tictactoe portlet that I blogged about at : http://sensiblerationalization.blogspot.com/2010/03/what-you-can-tictactoe-in-gatein-portal.html ? If so, then it should work without any problem. Please let me know and I will verify accordingly.
4. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
crajkumarbe Aug 22, 2010 10:55 PM (in response to prabhat.jha)Hi Prabhat,
Yes, I have downloaded the sample app from your blog and trying to experiment with Tomcat..
Could you please help me in finding the Seam dependency API's JAR file to make this portlet work in Tomcat Gatein Bundle..
Awaiting for your response...
5. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
crajkumarbe Aug 23, 2010 2:16 PM (in response to crajkumarbe)Hi,
I have added the below JAR's in the tomcat server lib directory and the app started working for me.
- jsf-impl.jar
- jsf-api.jar
6. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
crajkumarbe Aug 23, 2010 2:17 PM (in response to crajkumarbe)Added the jsf-impl.jar and jsf-api.jar to run the Richfaces portlet inside the tomcat server library directory
7. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
prabhat.jha Aug 23, 2010 2:41 PM (in response to crajkumarbe)I am glad you figured it out but I was assuming that you had this step already taken care of.
Any JSF or Richfaces application in portal or non portal environment would require to have jsf jars bundled in your .war or be accessible to your .war from your server classpath. All examples mentioned in blog are tested with JBoss which already contains jsf jars and that's not the case with tomcat.
8. Re: PortletBridge & Richfaces Portlet - Tomcat Integration/Deployment Issue
melhamlaoui Apr 26, 2011 4:48 PM (in response to crajkumarbe)Hi,
Im a new to Gatein, can i have the tictactoe project without the implementation of the portlet?
Thanks alot