5 Replies Latest reply on Jul 19, 2013 2:19 PM by lucas.lopes

    How to include the 'label' attribute of rich:calendar in message?


      Is there a way to parameterize the converterMessage attribute so that the label is included in the message.  So instead of getting just static text "Value must be a date" for every rich:calendar entry I can get the label:


      <rich:calendar label="Withheld Date"  converterMessage="messages['converter.date']" datePattern="MM/dd/yyyy" enableManualInput="true" value="#{dtl.withdDt}"  />


      <rich:calendar label="Start Date"  converterMessage="messages['converter.date']" datePattern="MM/dd/yyyy" enableManualInput="true" value="#{dtl.startDt}"  />


      and my messages entry is the messages properties file:

      converter.date={label} is not a date


      I want 'label' to be swapped so that I get the final message displayed is "Withheld date is not a date" and "Start Date is not a date".