1. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 18, 2011 7:19 AM (in response to jbalunas)Would like to add some popular features which we currently having postponed for available components:
- Flash mode for upload component
- Improve rich:select with the numerous columns (for the guys who migrating from suggestionBox and need selection component and not autocomplete)
- Tables:
- partial updates improvements (cell updates, row updates, review variants for partial insertion/removal impl)
- filtering and sorting controls
- columns visibility
- column menus(maybe some composition component vs JS API solution)
- I think community will add much more...
Also for the not implemented component need to mention rich:contextMenu which is really wide using across RF 3 based applications also.
Besides we have set of components created by Bernard and awaiting to be ported to RF base.
2. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
iabughosh Apr 18, 2011 7:22 AM (in response to jbalunas)Can you also support rtl direction when changing localization for example from en to ar ?.
3. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
nbelaevski Apr 18, 2011 7:40 AM (in response to iabughosh)My suggestions:
- Page/themes
- Include tag
- Ordering list/list shuttle/pickList
4. Re: Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
wish79 Apr 18, 2011 8:14 AM (in response to nbelaevski)picklist & RTL direction support
5. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
edilmar Apr 18, 2011 5:52 PM (in response to wish79)I agree with Ilya. There are many properties that I used in RF3.3.3 that yet doesn't work in RF4.0.0. It will be great to allow support for all of these before to increase the version with new resources.
6. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
feuyeux Apr 18, 2011 10:42 PM (in response to jbalunas)I suggest treat Ordering list/list shuttle/pickList as an urgent requirement, it would be better that adding pagination to these components.
And if possible, please publish these before 4.1.
7. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 19, 2011 4:13 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)also speaking about new and not missed features - good to add set of pluggable effects to the components.
8. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
edilmar Apr 19, 2011 9:29 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)1) dataScroller renderIfSinglePage="false"
2) calendar readonly=false
3) autocomplete readonly/styleClass
4) fileUpload flash/maxFilesQuantity/immediateUpload/autoclear
9. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
jbalunas Apr 19, 2011 11:22 AM (in response to jbalunas)All good comments guys!! I want to keep up the discussion, as we'll write up an initial plan in May.
We need to have a balance between bug fixing, migrating older components forward, new components, and new features.
10. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
spiritfox26 Apr 25, 2011 10:25 AM (in response to jbalunas)Good news!!!
I need picklist too!!
11. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
ericknet Apr 26, 2011 9:29 AM (in response to jbalunas)I'm very anxious to use the new RichFaces 4.0, but to start to work with i need:
Ordering list/list shuttle/pickList
12. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
jasondlee Apr 28, 2011 10:58 AM (in response to jbalunas)One thing I'd like to see that has not been listed yet is a charting component.
13. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
spiritfox26 Apr 29, 2011 10:50 AM (in response to jasondlee)I would like this components in the future:
- Confirmation Dialogs (with effects )
- Growl messages (as Primfaces component)
- Chart component (Jason Lee)
- Captcha
- Primefaces have DataExporter (for tables, is very cool) and StarRating
14. Roadmap and planning for RichFaces 4.1
rngarnaik May 2, 2011 9:30 AM (in response to spiritfox26)I would like the following new features in the future:
- Charting/Graph component
- Captcha
- DataExporter for any data table (PDF/Excel/csv...)
- Star Rating / %
- Media support ( mp3/mp4/flash/) audio and video.
- Built-in Internationalization (en, de, it...)
- Schedule (Month view, week view, day view, customized view, with rich colour and modal panel integrated).
- Email component support like (popup will come, just write a line and send the email just in one click).
Will come up with more ideas soon......