6 Replies Latest reply on Apr 21, 2011 3:35 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    RichFaces4 rich:fileUpload limitations




      1) At RF3.3.3, when filtering extensions by acceptedTypes, only files with these extensions were showed.

      For example: acceptedTypes="jpg, gif, png"

      At RF4.0.0, all kind of files are showed, but the user becomes lost because when it selected other type of file, for example, .bmp, nothing occurs, no message error, no file selected, etc.


      2) I saw that properties maxFilesQuantity="1"/immediateUpload="true"/autoclear="true" don't work, like wrote in this link. Is there some plan to implement these in next 4.x versions? In my case I really need that the user selects only one file, how to disable automatically show of the next "fileUpload Add..." button?


      3) At RF3.3.3 I configured portuguese text for my users in these properties. None of them works more. Also listHeight/listWidth.


      addControlLabel="Selecionar Novo Arquivo..."

      transferErrorLabel="Erro na transferência do arquivo!"

      stopControlLabel="Parar" stopEntryControlLabel="Parar"


      clearControlLabel="" clearAllControlLabel="" doneLabel=""

      listHeight="50px" listWidth="300px"