1. Re: maven dependency setup.
jesper.pedersen Aug 1, 2011 4:14 PM (in response to amberjboss1999)I don't know what 1.0.6-Beta is...
- Download IronJacamar standalone (http://www.jboss.org/ironjacamar/downloads)
- Run the code generator (http://docs.jboss.org/ironjacamar/userguide/1.0/en-US/html/codegenerator.html)
- Select the Maven build environment in the end
You should only need to depend on the javax.resource API - however, why not use the whole thing and run unit tests too
2. Re: maven dependency setup.
amberjboss1999 Aug 1, 2011 4:34 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Sorry, Jesper, typo, it was 1.0.0.Beta6; I did code-gen and used that as the code base; I'll have to try that again according to what you said. Thanks in advance!
3. Re: maven dependency setup.
jesper.pedersen Aug 1, 2011 4:39 PM (in response to amberjboss1999)Use 1.0.0.Final
4. Re: maven dependency setup.
amberjboss1999 Aug 4, 2011 3:19 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Thank you so much Jesper, great work!
The stuff I mostly encountered was dependency issues that throw me for a loop /w InvocationTargetException. Long story short, the JCA connector is working in a remote Jboss 6 server. I ran stress tests on the new server and it seems to handle the heavy load just fine.
However, I am still puzzled by how I can monitor resource allocation related parameters: http://support.hyperic.com/display/EVO/JBoss+6.0+JCA+Connection+Pool+service
Min Connections MinSize none UTILIZATION false 30 min Max Connections MaxSize none UTILIZATION false 30 min Total Connections ConnectionCount none UTILIZATION false 5 min Available Connections AvailableConnectionCount none UTILIZATION true 5 min Active Connections InUseConnectionCount none UTILIZATION true 5 min Connections Created ConnectionCreatedCount none UTILIZATION false 10 min Connections Created per Minute ConnectionCreatedCount1m none UTILIZATION false 10 min Connections Destroyed ConnectionDestroyedCount none UTILIZATION false 10 min Connections Destroyed per Minute ConnectionDestroyedCount1m none UTILIZATION false 10 min Availability Availability percentage AVAILABILITY true 10 min I use the generated loggining.properties and put it in src/main/rar/META-INF, but server.log reveals no "iron.jacamar" related output that I can monitor.
I attached additional config-properties in my ironjacamar.xml. I absolutely need to configure and monitor the resources usage.
Sorry about the newbie questions in advance!
ironjacamar.xml 1.4 KB
5. Re: maven dependency setup.
jesper.pedersen Aug 4, 2011 3:12 PM (in response to amberjboss1999)1 of 1 people found this helpfulAS 6 isn't IronJacamar - use IronJacamar/Standalone or AS 7.
And for the Hyperic part - that you will have to talk with them about. Use our stuff instead would be my answer.
6. Re: maven dependency setup.
amberjboss1999 Aug 4, 2011 3:26 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)It's unlucky for me that I couldn't access/monitor the AS 6 server remotely, and our company can't move to AS7 within a year (Im being optimistic here).
But thanks anyway!
7. Re: maven dependency setup.
jesper.pedersen Aug 4, 2011 3:29 PM (in response to amberjboss1999)There is no SLA on community projects. Use our platform: http://www.jboss.com/products/platforms/application/ and you will get RHQ
8. Re: maven dependency setup.
amberjboss1999 Aug 4, 2011 4:02 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)I think I should provide more details....:D My initial requirement to get a connection pooling going, and allow me to reconfigure a few things as we go. (max,min connections, and time-out values, etc). It's not a built-in resource like DataSource.
So if I understand correctly, if I could get AS 7, I will be able to "see" these resources on jmx console (or rhq console)?
9. Re: maven dependency setup.
jesper.pedersen Aug 4, 2011 4:11 PM (in response to amberjboss1999)Take a look here: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Resource+adapters for AS 7 configuration.
AS 7 has a new GWT based console - viewing the resource adapter deployment information - such as pool usage - is still in development. It'll be done in AS 7.1 at the latest.
10. Re: maven dependency setup.
amberjboss1999 Aug 4, 2011 4:17 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Thanks Jesper! I am excited about AS 7!