1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 28, 2011 5:50 AM by antoine_h

    richfaces + spring security ??


      Greetings fellow member, I analyzed the

      possible technologies that I can use for a project

      I'm about to start personal, long after

      walking meditation and multiple forosme decided, but

      I have a question regarding this integration, I

      like to use as it involves my opinion the best

      framework of the moment, I would like someone to

      confirm whether it is possible to integrate JSF + RichFaces

      Spring Security + Spring IoC (much needed) + spring

      hibernate. especially if you give an example of how

      integrate the safety and security that spring

      I have the rest covered.


      I welcome your comments and recommendations.


      Thanks and regards.

        • 1. Re: richfaces + spring security ??

          yes it is possible to integrate JSF + RichFaces, with some SpringSecurity.


          for integration with Spring MVC, I don't know, but you seem to feel comfortable with this side.


          JSF and RichFaces will use the security information, as any other layer of your system : from the SecurityContextHolder.


          In the BackingBeans, you can call the SecurityContextHolder to get the Authentication information, and decide then what to do.


          For use of security info directly in the JSF and RichFaces views, you can have a look at ACEGI JSF :

          see : http://cagataycivici.wordpress.com/2006/01/19/acegi_jsf_components_hit_the/

          It is also on SourceForge.


          This is quite old, and I suppose it might have been integrated in a SpringSecurity, or some official Spring extension or so, but unless, this might do the job.


          I did not used this for a long time.

          may be look in the web search engine, for "SpringSecurity JSF tag" ?


          I am also interested in that things ... any other info is welcomed...



          JBoss Portal and GateIn (JSR-286), JSF, Richfaces, J2EE, Drools, BRMS.
