1. Re: Vote for issues for the M3 release!
springzen Oct 4, 2011 6:00 PM (in response to bleathem)I vote for this:
RF-10197 Right click menu - rich:contextMenu - should be supported for 4.0.0
From the issue itself it looks like the contextMenu may be considered as a sandbox component; even in that form, I would find it a worthy compromise for the time being.
2. Re: Vote for issues for the M3 release!
bleathem Oct 5, 2011 2:55 PM (in response to springzen)Thanks for the vote Will - we'll defintiely work towards having the rich:contextMenu available as a Sandbox component for use with the 4.1 release.
We've gone trhough the 4.1.0.Tracking version in Jira, and scheduled/fixed issues accordingly. By all means continue to vote for issues important to you, but we don't currently have a shortlist of issues collected.
Overall this exercise worked out great at for helping us identify where we should be focusing our efforts! Thanks everyone, and watch out for a similar call again in the future!