7 Replies Latest reply on Jul 19, 2008 10:53 PM by khosro_question

    Regarding Seam-pdf


      I am looking for a component that show the pdf to user without allowing user to download,save or print the pdf document.
      I have heard that Seam has a such component to show pdf,but i do not know ,whether Seam supports the features i want?If no ,can we implement it easily in Seam?

      I would appreciate for any help.


        • 1. Re: Regarding Seam-pdf

          You can set some of these (eg. disallow printing) in the PDF itself when you create it in Acrobat. However Seam (or more accurately - iText) don't have anything to do this.

          What you could do is convert the PDF to an image and display that instead. Check out the Sun PDF Renderer



          • 2. Re: Regarding Seam-pdf


            My two cents commend: to be able to see your PDF document, the user (via his browser) will download it.
            He will always have a way to save the data : either by looking in browser cache, by running http get, or by any other methods. To print the data, user still can make screen shots :)

            If you don't want user to print it, save it, don't send your data in PDF.

            I've seen an online library, where you can read books online (very similar to PDF), but can't print, neither save. They've developped their own UI (with flash I guess), but I'm sure it can be hacked to retrieve source data, as data is received and read on browser side.


            • 3. Re: Regarding Seam-pdf

              Thanks to Damian and Rgds.

              To Damian:
              I have tested the PDF-Renderer.But there is some problems.
              First if we show the image ,user can save it,even with JavaScript we can not avoid the user from saving the image.Because i have searched about it ,and there is some ways to do it,but none of them working in Opera browser.

              To Rgds:
              Could you please tell me the address of website you mentioned?

              If this post no longer related to this forum ,please contact me at khosro_question@yahoo.com.


              • 4. Re: Regarding Seam-pdf

                Now you're squarely in the one of web-designs oldest arguments which has been raging ever since browsers could show images. As Thierry said you can always take a screen shot.

                What you might also like to try is adding a watermark to the PDF. In our app when we don't want users having an original copy we stamp it with a big DRAFT that covers the PDF on a 45 degree angle.

                Someone with Acrobat can still get in and mess with it but at least you're stopping 99% of people.



                • 5. Re: Regarding Seam-pdf


                  it's safaribooksonline.com



                  • 6. Re: Regarding Seam-pdf

                    It's a fundamental problem with digital content.  Bits can be copied.  There was going to be something in Windows Vista that would interact with PC hardware to allow a web server to make content that really could not be copied, and that the content distributor could be restrictions on (no printing, etc) but that doesn't seem to have taken off.  There isn't a whole lot you can do about this.  Certainly Seam doesn't include any magical solution to it.

                    • 7. Re: Regarding Seam-pdf

                      Thanks for your replies.
                      At last, i understand it is not possible to do what i want in this issue.
                      Anyway ,thanks a lot.
                      And to offer excuse to Thierry ,because of mistaking  your name.
                      Maybe in future i find a way to do this( probability 1%),then i will share it.
