1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 23, 2012 2:24 AM by saifeldeen

    Keeping component state with rich:tree RF 4.1.0


      Hi there,


      I'm not quite sure on how to keep component state with rich:tree using v4.1.0 final.  My situation is this: I have a tree that users may expand / collapse items at any point during their session.  However, when a page is refreshed (e.g. new request), the tree is collapsed again.  I would like the tree to maintain state throughout the users' session.


      I have read a number of other discussions, particularly https://community.jboss.org/thread/161388 which appears to "resolve" the problem, however, it appears to be a (necessary) hack as the RF source code needs direct modification


      In the above issue Nick Belaevski suggests "In RF4 you should bind 'expanded' and 'selection' to model beans explicitly using EL-expressions.", however, there doesn't appear to be  "expanded" and "selection" attributes known by the models / libraries.


      Can someone please provide some guidance or even better, a solution, on how to maintain the state of a rich:tree using v4.1.0 final?


      Kind regards,


        • 1. Re: Keeping component state with rich:tree RF 4.1.0

          Ok, the answer seems to be quite simple.  Leading on from the tree node example in the JSF showcase


          1. The xhtml:












                  <rich:treeNode type="country" expanded="#{node.expanded}">



                  <rich:treeNode type="company" icon="/images/tree/disc.gif">



                  <rich:treeNode type="cd" icon="/images/tree/song.gif">

                      #{node.artist} - #{node.name} - #{node.year}







          2. The NamedNode class needs to implement a property for "expand":




          private boolean expanded;

          public boolean isExpanded()


              return expanded;



          public void setExpanded(boolean expanded)


              this.expanded = expanded;




          3. Set the TreeBean to be @SessionScoped


          4. In the TreeBean, implement the TreeToggleListener interface and add the following code




          public void processTreeToggle(TreeToggleEvent selectionChangeEvent) throws AbortProcessingException


              // considering only single selection

              UITree tree = (UITree) selectionChangeEvent.getSource();

              NamedNode node = (NamedNode) tree.getRowData();





          And voila, the tree is persisted in the session correctly.