1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 30, 2012 9:23 AM by jbertram

    How to create a lean STOMP and JMS messaging server (HornetQ) in JBoss AS 7 ?




      I'm evaluating HornetQ (among other messaging systems) for my team. I would like to whittle down all the unnecessary components in JBoss AS 7 (7.1.1) to have a messaging server with only the following:


      - STOMP + JMS messaging server/broker ,

      - Persistence (for the messages)

      - Clustering and cluster discovery

      - High Availablity (HA) for the broker : Failover and Replication

      - Web management interface


      Basically, we would like to remove any service/module the messaging system can live without. For example, in the "standalone-hornetq-colocated.xml" configuration thats included with JBoss AS 7 , would it be possible to remove the EJB3, jacorb (and other) modules if the hornetq system doesnt need them ?


      Note: The only reason we're using JBoss and not the HornetQ standalone is because we want a web admin interface to examine and configure the queues. If there is another web interface  then we could go with HornetQ standalone but afaik there isn't one yet.


      Would appreciate any help with this kind of lean configuration or just point me to any documents or articles that may have this info (I already did a search on this site and couldnt find any recent information) ?


