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1. Re: Two-phase commit with hssqldb
wdfink Jun 29, 2012 3:57 PM (in response to lucianoborges)Hi Luciano,
welcome to the forum.
The HsSqlDb is only used for examples and not recommended for production use. I'm not sure whether XA transactions are working.
I would use a database like MySql or Oracle for this.
2. Re: Two-phase commit with hssqldb
lucianoborges Jun 29, 2012 4:03 PM (in response to wdfink)Hi Wolf,
I'm creating sample applications with our framework, and, I'd like to create a runable two-phase commit sample without necessity to create or install databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, because this sample will be available to the users. It's only a example.
Thanks a lot,
3. Re: Two-phase commit with hssqldb
wdfink Jun 29, 2012 4:12 PM (in response to lucianoborges)As I see no example of hsqldb-xa*-ds.xml in the docs/example/jca I've gogled a bit.
And there is no support for XA-transactions as I suppose.
See for example