1. Re: Missing stylessheets in Richfaces 4.4.2 Final within Portlet on GateIn Portal
ameo Jul 18, 2012 7:00 AM (in response to ameo)I foreget the version of portletbridge: It' s portletbridge 3.0.0 Beta.
2. Re: Missing stylessheets in Richfaces 4.4.2 Final within Portlet on GateIn Portal
kenfinni Jul 18, 2012 8:46 AM (in response to ameo)I haven't specifically noticed that problem with Portlet Bridge 3, but we haven't been testing RichFaces with it at present as the focus for 3.0 is JSF2 support.
We're currently in the process of determing which RichFaces 4 components do and don't currently work with Portlet Bridge 3, so that we can resolve them in 3.1. Unfortunately an initial release of that would be about a month away at best.
In the mean time, if you can debug through Portlet Bridge to see the requests for stylesheet resources, you may be able to find an easy resolution that you can propose a pull request for, so that the fix can make an earlier release.
3. Re: Missing stylessheets in Richfaces 4.4.2 Final within Portlet on GateIn Portal
kenfinni Aug 7, 2012 11:29 AM (in response to ameo)After some initial testing with RichFaces 4.2.2.Final and JBoss Portlet Bridge 3.0.0.Final on GateIn/AS7.1.2.Final I don't see any missing stylesheets.
Do you still experience this problem?
4. Re: Missing stylessheets in Richfaces 4.4.2 Final within Portlet on GateIn Portal
ameo Aug 8, 2012 3:54 AM (in response to kenfinni)Hello,
the following: After if I defined a head-tag and a body-tag, the styles are not missing. But I think it is not the right way in a portlet, do define that tags.
!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<rich:panel header="Header">values...</rich:panel>
I think it is not correct to define a head and a body. Here I recognized that reRender will not perform.
And if I try the portlet way like this, the styles are missing:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
5. Re: Missing stylessheets in Richfaces 4.4.2 Final within Portlet on GateIn Portal
kenfinni Aug 8, 2012 4:08 PM (in response to ameo)What you need to remember is that you're writing a JSF 2 application that uses RichFaces 4, and not directly writing a portlet.
The goal of the Portlet Bridge is to enable you to write a portlet as if it were a normal JSF 2 application. To that end, the head and body of a JSF 2 page needs to be defined, otherwise it isn't a valid JSF 2 page. The Portlet Bridge then takes care of only rendering the content of the body of the page back to the portal container.
6. Re: Missing stylessheets in Richfaces 4.4.2 Final within Portlet on GateIn Portal
ameo Aug 9, 2012 3:22 AM (in response to kenfinni)Hello Ken,
thanks for answering. Remembering JBoss-Portal implementation with RF 3.x and JSF 1.2 there we do not need to define a body an head. For this reasion I was a little confused.
Nice, after defining everything my portlet works fine, and Ajax also works.