2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 14, 2012 11:54 AM by pepelara

    Help on a RF webapp based on the ShowCase sample design


      I am working on a RF webapp based on the ShowCase sample design and I would like to know

      if exist the possibility to load as default case one of the Menu options on start up that webapp.


      In case of it how could I do it? I have been examining the code and I could made some changes

      that work fine but I could not resolve what I want.


      I have added some links in the top of my webapp as they are Home, User logged name and Logout.

      On the Home case here is my link,


      <a href="#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/richfaces/component-sample.jsf?demo=init&amp;skin=blueSky">Home</a>


      It could be a solution if I add to the event onload() in the main.xhtml file.

      I have tried it but it gets the webapp into a loop where it is reloaded in some few interval of time.


      So I need help. Any suggestion should be appreciated.


      Kind regards,
