1. Re: how to create a ec2 image offline
goldmann Apr 3, 2010 5:19 AM (in response to jeevanullas)Hi Deependra,
Indeed, specified repos in your .appl are additional repositories. Default repos for selected OS name/version wil be added by BoxGrinder. You're right; it might be helpful to specify all repos by you. I created BGBUILD-16 for this.
There are two options for you: creating a proxy or applying a dirty hack.
The way you can do this right now is adjusting the code and add good repos to jeos.ks file and comment out in BG code creation of kickstart file (lines 124-126 in appliance-kickstart.rb). But this is a ugly hack and I don't recommend it.
2. Re: how to create a ec2 image offline
tscofield Dec 28, 2012 1:49 PM (in response to goldmann)Sorry to restart an old thread, but I am running into this same issue with the current version of boxgrinder. I am running boxgrinder 0.10.4 on Fedora 16. We have a copy of the centos yum repo on an internal system that I would like to point to rather than downloading the rpms from the internet. I was able to modify the boxgrinder-build/plugins/os/centos/centos-plugin.rb file and replace the mirrorlist line with the appropriate baseurl. Is there any way to do this override through the .appl file rather than having to modify the ruby code?
repos[version] = {
"base" => {
"baseurl" => "http://yum/centos5u8.x86_64/"
#"mirrorlist" => "http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=#OS_VERSION#&arch=#BASE_ARCH#&repo=os"
"updates" => {
"baseurl" => "http://yum/centos5.x86_64.updates/"
#"mirrorlist" => "http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=#OS_VERSION#&arch=#BASE_ARCH#&repo=updates"
3. Re: how to create a ec2 image offline
tscofield Dec 28, 2012 2:28 PM (in response to tscofield)I found the solution to my problem after doing some more reading of the documentaiton
default_repos: false
- name: "boxgrinder-base"
baseurl: http://yum/centos5u8.x86_64/
- name: "boxgrinder-updates"
baseurl: http://yum/centos5.x86_64.updates/