2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 15, 2013 8:20 AM by shawkins

    Lifecycle of resuable executions got changed after patch from https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-2322




      I observed there was a change in lifecycle of reusable execution after applying the patch for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-2322.


      Earlier for a query like below where data_window is a call to storeprocedure in a translator . This storeprocedure execution is an instance of ReusableExecution.


      SELECT chorus_results.name, chorus_results.CHORUS_C_notesForObject, 'demodata.nullObj' AS "__objecttype__" FROM (EXEC data_window('SELECT /*+sh:''data_window'' */ CHORUS_B.*, ''demodata.nullObj'' AS "__objecttype__" FROM (SELECT CHORUS_B.* FROM (SELECT * FROM demodata.nullObj) AS CHORUS_B, (EXEC chorus_time.timetable(30000)) AS chorus_refresh_expression) AS CHORUS_B WHERE CHORUS_B.name = ? LIMIT 100', ?)) AS chorus_data_window, ARRAYTABLE(chorus_data_window.tuple COLUMNS name string, val string, "__objecttype__" string) AS chorus_results LIMIT 6



      Execution used to be :


      1) call to data_window translator createProcedureExecution

      2) which gets routed to corresponding instanceof ProcedureExecution -> execute method

      3) In execute we trigger a async request and on call back we insert data to h2 temp table . Until the callback is received for data available we throw data no polling exception.

      4) when the callback to async request got fulfilled we select the data from h2 temp table.




      New execution :


      1) call to data_window translator createProcedureExecution

      2) which gets routed to corresponding instanceof ProcedureExecution -> execute method

      3) In execute we trigger a async request and on call back we insert data to h2 temp table . Until the callback is received for data available we throw data no polling exception.

      4) a new call is being triggered to data_window translator

      5) if we have the data available we select tehe data from h2 tables


      why is it we are triggering a new request rather than just calling execute as before?