1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 8, 2013 10:31 AM by shawkins

    Teiid 8.3 CR1 returns empty value instead of null for clob ?




      I am trying to get the data from tables where one of the column is of type clob.


      With earlier version of teiid (8.1 Final), I might have been getting null value for that column (if it was null), and I was able to convert the record to jpa object using eclipselink without any problem.


      But with latest realese(8.3 CR1), somehow I am not able to convert the object to jpa correctly as the clob is not returned as null.


      I guess now the value is returned as empty because when I tried to query the database using squirrel, the data is displayed as per attached image. (where "throw_direction" column is clob and  "z_domain_qualifier" is string)


      Can you please let me know if there is already an opened defect for this or it is just a functionality change ? If yes, is it configurable, so that I can direct teiid to return null instead of empty ?




        • 1. Re: Teiid 8.3 CR1 returns empty value instead of null for clob ?

          > Can you please let me know if there is already an opened defect for this or it is just a functionality change ? If yes, is it configurable, so that I can direct teiid to return null instead of empty ?


          If the underlying source returns a clob and if the value is null then regardless of the teiid version, teiid will return null.  What is the source type and what if any logic is there in teiid that may be transforming the value?

