4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 26, 2013 12:18 PM by algostacker

    Deploying GateIn into an existing JBoss AS instance (Jboss AS 7.2 ie: 6.1 EAP)




            I've been tasked by my group to get Gatein working on our own jboss 6.1 eap server instance (basically jboss 7.2). I have read the following article and discussion topic on getting it installed





      The problem is that these links only show how it's done with jboss 5.1 AS. Is there anyone who's tried this with any of the jboss 7.1.X or 7.2 instances? If so could you give me basic steps on how I can get it working onto a jboss 7.2 instance?



      Im assuming 7.1 and 7.2 would not be very different for installation in regards to Gatein.



      Thanks for any help in advance.

        • 1. Re: Deploying GateIn into an existing JBoss AS instance (Jboss AS 7.2 ie: 6.1 EAP)

          You can find instructions on building with JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Beta here:




          You can use these with latest master.

          • 2. Re: Deploying GateIn into an existing JBoss AS instance (Jboss AS 7.2 ie: 6.1 EAP)

            Hi Marko,


                    Thank you for replying with the instructions. I tried doing the build as suggested in the instructions and I got pretty far right upto the end where the maven build shows me the below maven issue that I'm not sure how to resolve as it has to do with the maven repository for jboss. This happens when I execute the last maven command


            mvn install -Dservers.dir=$SERVERS_DIR/jboss-eap-6.1.0.Beta -Dversion.jboss.as=7.2.0.Final-redhat-4 -Dgatein.dev=eap -Dmaven.test.skip



            Wondering if you had any ideas?


            Thanks again for all your help!


            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Extension Ear ................ SUCCESS [2.138s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Extension .................... SUCCESS [0.029s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Portal Configuration ......... SUCCESS [0.207s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Portal Java Classes .......... SUCCESS [1.297s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Portal War ................... SUCCESS [0.441s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Portal Rest War .............. SUCCESS [0.177s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Portal Ear ................... SUCCESS [1.523s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample Portal ....................... SUCCESS [0.074s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - Portlets ................. SUCCESS [0.064s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - GateIn API ............... SUCCESS [2.343s]

            [INFO] Sample Portlet using JQuery ....................... SUCCESS [2.280s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - JSP Hello User Portlet ... SUCCESS [1.667s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - Simplest Hello World Portlet  SUCCESS [0.634s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portlet Examples - Struts JPetstore ........ SUCCESS [27.900s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - Resource Serving Portlet . SUCCESS [0.674s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - User Identity Portlet .... SUCCESS [0.655s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - AMD Javascript Portlet ... SUCCESS [0.899s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - Todo MVC Portlet ......... SUCCESS [1.321s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Sample .............................. SUCCESS [0.062s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Starter War ......................... SUCCESS [0.169s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Starter Ear ......................... SUCCESS [0.195s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Starter ............................. SUCCESS [0.071s]

            [INFO] GateIn WSRP Integration ........................... SUCCESS [0.072s]

            [INFO] GateIn WSRP Integration extension config .......... SUCCESS [0.251s]

            [INFO] GateIn WSRP Integration extension component ....... SUCCESS [25.393s]

            [INFO] GateIn WSRP Integration extension WAR ............. SUCCESS [0.117s]

            [INFO] GateIn WSRP Integration extension EAR ............. SUCCESS [1.410s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Mobile Integration .................. SUCCESS [0.027s]

            [INFO] GateIn Responsive Skin ............................ SUCCESS [0.229s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Responsive Portlets ................. SUCCESS [0.029s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Responsive Banner Portlet ........... SUCCESS [1.741s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Responsive Navigation Portlet ....... SUCCESS [0.796s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Responsive Features Portlet ......... SUCCESS [5.252s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Responsive Community Portlet ........ SUCCESS [1.502s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Responsive Header Portlet ........... SUCCESS [1.947s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Responsive Footer Portlet ........... SUCCESS [4.355s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Mobile Integration Configuration WAR  SUCCESS [0.354s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Mobile Login Page WAR ............... SUCCESS [0.321s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Mobile Integration EAR .............. SUCCESS [4.761s]

            [INFO] GateIn CDI Enhancements ........................... SUCCESS [0.028s]

            [INFO] GateIn CDI Portlet and Filter Injection ........... SUCCESS [1.808s]

            [INFO] GateIn CDI Portlet Contexts ....................... SUCCESS [1.065s]

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Packaging ........................... SUCCESS [0.028s]

            [INFO] Common files used for packaging ................... SUCCESS [0.118s]

            [INFO] GateIn JBoss AS 7.x.x packaging ................... SUCCESS [0.027s]

            [INFO] GateIn - Portlet Container (JBoss AS7 Extension) .. FAILURE [6.834s]

            [INFO] GateIn - Portlet Container (JBoss AS7 Extension Modules)  SKIPPED

            [INFO] GateIn for JBoss AS 7.x.x packaging ............... SKIPPED

            [INFO] TestSuite for GateIn .............................. SKIPPED

            [INFO] Selenium Sniff Test for GateIn .................... SKIPPED

            [INFO] GateIn Portal Examples - WebUI based samples ...... SKIPPED

            [INFO] HTMLUnit Tests for GateIn ......................... SKIPPED

            [INFO] Selenium UI Tests for GateIn ...................... SKIPPED

            [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

            [INFO] BUILD FAILURE

            [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

            [INFO] Total time: 6:19.411s

            [INFO] Finished at: Thu Apr 25 18:26:31 PDT 2013

            [INFO] Final Memory: 120M/247M

            [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

            [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project jboss-as7-integration-extension: Coul

            not resolve dependencies for project org.gatein.portal:jboss-as7-integration-e

            tension:jar:3.6.0.Beta02-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolve

            : org.jboss.as:jboss-as-controller:jar:7.2.0.Final-redhat-4, org.jboss.as:jboss

            as-server:jar:7.2.0.Final-redhat-4, org.jboss.as:jboss-as-ee:jar:7.2.0.Final-re

            hat-4, org.jboss.as:jboss-as-web:jar:7.2.0.Final-redhat-4, org.jboss.as:jboss-a

            -weld:jar:7.2.0.Final-redhat-4: Failure to find org.jboss.as:jboss-as-controlle

            :jar:7.2.0.Final-redhat-4 in https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/

            ublic/ was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted u

            til the update interval of jboss-public-repository-group has elapsed or updates

            are forced -> [Help 1]


            [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e swi


            [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.


            [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please re

            d the following articles:

            [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyRes



            [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the comman



            [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :jboss-as7-integration-extension

            • 3. Re: Deploying GateIn into an existing JBoss AS instance (Jboss AS 7.2 ie: 6.1 EAP)

              It looks like eap artifacts are missing in your repository. Make sure you properly execute this step from the instructions:


              'Unzip the contents of jboss-eap-6.1.0.Beta-maven-repository.zip into your $HOME/.m2/repository overwriting existing directories.'


              You should then have on your disk $HOME/.m2/repository/org/jboss/as/jboss-as-controller/7.2.0.Final-redhat-4 directory containing a jar file, which ATM is apparently missing.

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: Deploying GateIn into an existing JBoss AS instance (Jboss AS 7.2 ie: 6.1 EAP)

                That was it! Thanks Marko!


                It was an error in how I unzipped it (I unzipped it with the outer folder in the .m2/repository/), but now I'm able to get to the homepage url (http://localhost:8080/portal/classic/), so I should be all good from here on out.