2 Replies Latest reply on May 8, 2013 9:01 AM by shawkins

    Insert...Select Causing Assertion Failure


      Using Teiid 8.3 with Teiid JDBC driver 8.4 Beta, writing to a VDB...


      When using a prepared statement and sending an Insert statement of the form:


      Insert Into TableA( col1, col2 ) Select ?, ?


      Teiid is giving an Assertion Failure: Cannot determine element or expression type


      The error occurs even when using the proper setXXX() call to assign the parameter.


      The statement will work if there is an explicit Cast() on each of the expressions, so this is a feasible workaround.


      The same Assertion Failure has been reported in different, although roughly similar, circumstances here: https://community.jboss.org/thread/176215


      My actual use case is connecting another tool to Teiid, so most of the statements are being generated from metadata.

