6 Replies Latest reply on May 16, 2013 12:47 PM by jesper.pedersen

    Scan: Could Not Delete WAR File During EAR File Scan

      How do I avoid this exeception?


      java.io.exeception scanning EAR file:


      C:\java\tattletale-1.2.0.Beta2>dir \tmp\ears

      Volume in drive C has no label.

      Volume Serial Number is F2C7-C7A7


      Directory of C:\tmp\ears


      07/25/2012  12:04 PM    <DIR>          .

      07/25/2012  12:04 PM    <DIR>          ..

      07/25/2012  12:04 PM    <DIR>          deps

      07/05/2012  08:17 PM        18,351,132 vee-ear.ear

                     1 File(s)     18,351,132 bytes

                     3 Dir(s)  69,498,871,808 bytes free


      C:\java\tattletale-1.2.0.Beta2>java -Xmx1024m -jar tattletale.jar c:\tmp\ears c:\tmp\ears\deps

      Scan: Could not delete the file of: C:\Documents and Settings\nbk6mtc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp\ears\vee-ear.ear\vee-webapp.war

      java.io.IOException: Could not delete the file of: C:\Documents and Settings\nbk6mtc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp\ears\vee-ear.ear\vee-webapp.war

              at org.jboss.tattletale.analyzers.Extractor.recursiveDelete(Extractor.java:178)

              at org.jboss.tattletale.analyzers.Extractor.extract(Extractor.java:74)

              at org.jboss.tattletale.analyzers.WarScanner.scan(WarScanner.java:93)

              at org.jboss.tattletale.analyzers.EarScanner.scan(EarScanner.java:187)

              at org.jboss.tattletale.Main.execute(Main.java:612)

              at org.jboss.tattletale.Main.main(Main.java:1099)


      C:\Documents and Settings\nbk6mtc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp\ears\vee-ear.ear\vee-webapp.war exists.


      C:\Documents and Settings\nbk6mtc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp\ears\vee-ear.ear>dir *.war

      Volume in drive C has no label.

      Volume Serial Number is F2C7-C7A7


      Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\nbk6mtc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp\ears\vee-ear.ear


      07/25/2012  12:04 PM         4,978,852 vee-webapp.war

                     1 File(s)      4,978,852 bytes

                     0 Dir(s)  69,494,013,952 bytes free


      The file can be deleted.


      C:\Documents and Settings\nbk6mtc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp\ears\vee-ear.ear>del vee-webapp.war


      C:\Documents and Settings\nbk6mtc\Local Settings\Temp\tmp\ears\vee-ear.ear>dir *.war

      Volume in drive C has no label.

      Volume Serial Number is F2C7-C7A7


      I have encountered the same exception on two computers scanning multiple EAR files.