1. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
aslak Nov 6, 2012 6:20 AM (in response to dan.j.allen)We do have iOS support in the pipeline as well.
Maybe a play on Mobile, or names that places Android and iOS on two sides of something, or the same side..
2. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
kpiwko Nov 6, 2012 8:13 AM (in response to aslak)I'd like to eventually merge mobile extensions together, replacing our custom code with integration with upstream components. I'm currently thinking of integration with https://github.com/eing/moet, which was discussed on Java One.
3. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
aslak Nov 6, 2012 6:21 PM (in response to kpiwko)aa yes. Remember you spoke about it
4. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
dan.j.allen Nov 20, 2012 3:02 AM (in response to kpiwko)There's a video about moet from the mobile testing summit:
There's also a lot more videos covering some great raw material for mobile testing on that site:
I browsed moet briefly and while it looks pretty good, there might be some better stuff out there.
Anyway, I still think we need a cool name. I keep coming back to Droidium (even if we hit other devices, we tip our had to the open source platform )
5. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
kpiwko Nov 20, 2012 3:18 AM (in response to dan.j.allen)I like Arquillian Eve, however Arquillian Droidium would definitely be easily to be searched for.
Droidium surprisingly fits Graphene theme as well http://spacequest.wikia.com/wiki/Droidium
6. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
dan.j.allen Nov 20, 2012 3:27 AM (in response to kpiwko)Cool!
(Don't worry, we'll find a way to fit Eve into the story soon enough).
On a side note, we are also proposing calling the Arquillian Transaction extension "Neuralizer" (or "Neuralize"). Get it?
Btw, we won't necessarily impose the names on the packages, but we'll definitely use them for the story.=
7. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
smikloso May 21, 2013 11:56 AM (in response to dan.j.allen)So there are basically three "extensions".
The first one is Arquillian Android container itself -> https://github.com/smiklosovic/arquillian-container-android
That should follow default Arquillian container naming (arquillian-{name of container}) as adapter dependency artifactId.
The second one is native extension -> https://github.com/smiklosovic/arquillian-container-android-drone-native,
I am ok with Arquillian Droidium so if I get it right, name of dependency to add to project pom.xml should be arquillian-droidium-(depchain?)
The third one is refactored web extension from Karel's arquillian-extension-android https://github.com/smiklosovic/arquillian-container-android-drone-web
I do not know what kind of name it should have ...
We could make native extension as "arquillian-droidium-native" and web testing extension as "arquillian-droidium-web". Are you ok with this?
Android container is made as pluggable, when you put native extension on class path, you are testing natively, when you put web extension on class path, you are testing web applications. So you have just one container and you just choose what way you are going to test.
8. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
dan.j.allen May 21, 2013 12:39 PM (in response to smikloso)Stefan,
I love the idea of using the qualifier to make the distinction between native and web. This way, we don't confuse people by introducing too many names, and it's very clear what purpose each extension serves. I think you nailed it!
For those following along, the proposal is:
- arquillian-container-android - the Arquillian Android container/connector
- arquillian-droidium-native - An extension for testing a native Android application
- arquillian-droidium-web - An extension for testing a web-based application from Android
9. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
dan.j.allen May 21, 2013 12:40 PM (in response to dan.j.allen)Btw, this set of extensions is huge! I'm so excited to see it get adopted.
10. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
smikloso May 21, 2013 1:11 PM (in response to dan.j.allen)Yeah, it was my long term project in school http://miklosovic.net/main.pdf
Just released book about Arquillian was very usefull as well! I think I am the first one who have cited it .
11. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
aslak May 22, 2013 5:39 AM (in response to dan.j.allen)I would like Arquillian Droidium to be the common name for the Arquillian Android Extension. Then the extension contain the submodules like container, web, native, ++
12. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
kpiwko Jun 17, 2013 11:05 AM (in response to smikloso)Stefan,
can you please merge all your arquillian-container-android* repositories together so they share lifecycle? They will become Arquillian Droidium and would make former Arquillian Android Extension obsolete, both github and jira speaking.
Also, I think it would make sense to rename package to org.jboss.arquillian.droidium in such case.
13. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
aslak Jun 17, 2013 11:55 AM (in response to kpiwko)I've added repository https://github.com/arquillian/arquillian-droidium
Could get a pull request that merge the container/web/native extensions into one coherent "Droidium" release there.
Owned/Administrated by the extesion-droidium team which currently consist of Karel, Lukas, and Stefan.
14. Re: Giving the Android extension a name that sticks
smikloso Jun 24, 2013 7:35 PM (in response to aslak)Hi,
while I was renaming drone extension for native testing, I was going to rename packages to something like org.jboss.arquillian.droidium.native.api but JBDS denied to do so saying that "native" string is not a valid identifier for a package . It seems we are hitting Java specification details here ...
I think something like _native would be pretty ugly name for it. Let's have some mini poll here ... any ideas?