4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 20, 2013 6:23 AM by shawkins

    Is Teiid 8.4 Final supported with EAP 6.1 Final?


      We are currently making use of Jboss 7.1.1 with Teiid 8.1 and planinng to migrate to latest versions of Teiid and Jboss. Is Teiid 8.4 final supported with EAP 6.1 final?

        • 1. Re: Is Teiid 8.4 Final supported with EAP 6.1 Final?



          To work with you would need couple minor changes to "standalone-teiid.xml" (see attached), or after installing the Teiid 8.4 in the EAP 6.1.Final run "jboss-cli.sh --file=<jboss-as>/bin/scripts/teiid-standalone-mode-install.cli", that will install Teiid 8.4 into JBoss AS. Note, if you ran the CLI script, you can just start using "./standalone.sh"


          Please note that the EAP6.1.Final has different licensing model, it is free for developer use only. If you need to deploy in production environments please contact Redhat Sales for subscribed version. Please see FAQ



          • 2. Re: Is Teiid 8.4 Final supported with EAP 6.1 Final?

            > Is Teiid 8.4 final supported with EAP 6.1 final?


            From a community perspective 8.4 final is not intended for deployment on EAP 6.1 final and there is no formal support for such a deployment.


            Teiid 8.4.1 is however targeted to EAP 6.1 final.  Since you are on the product version of EAP 6.1 final, it is recommended that you go through the procduct channel to obtain the appropriate EDS product bits when available.  I don't know if we will have a specific download from the Teiid site tied into the developer licensing program similar to the AS downloads.



            • 3. Re: Is Teiid 8.4 Final supported with EAP 6.1 Final?

              Hi Steven/Ramesh,


              Does Teiid 8.4 suppot JBoss7.1.1?

              We want to upgrade Teiid to the latest version but not JBoss as EAP is free for developer use only and would like to wait for Wildfly 8.0 Final.


              Any other suggestions would be helpfull.




              • 4. Re: Is Teiid 8.4 Final supported with EAP 6.1 Final?

                > Does Teiid 8.4 suppot JBoss7.1.1?


                No, and it would be a non-trivial effort to retarget 8.4 to AS 7.1.1.


                > We want to upgrade Teiid to the latest version but not JBoss as EAP is free for developer use only and would like to wait for Wildfly 8.0 Final.


                See http://teiid.blogspot.com/2013/05/teiid-84-cr1-available.html and other posts related to EAP 6.1 Alpha.  To reiterate EAP 6.1 Alpha is effectively JBoss AS 7.2.  The alpha designation does not reflect low quality or that it shouldn't be used by the community, rather that it's an early EAP release.

