7 Replies Latest reply on Nov 1, 2013 8:10 PM by rareddy

    MongDB can't get group by to work.


      I have mongodb setup with 8.6 Teiid embedded version successfully.  When I ran a sql statement like [select "name", "state" from "mongoDBDS"."grades"] and it works perfectly.  However, if i ran a statement with group by like [select "state" from "mongoDBDS"."grades" group by "state" order by "state"] and it didn't return any value.  Do you guys have any clue?


      Thanks a lot,


      Ivan C.

        • 1. Re: MongDB can't get group by to work.

          Can you try with a aggregate function like avg or sum in your select query? In the absence of aggregate it should work as DISTINCT per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7343702/use-of-group-by-in-sql-only-with-aggregates


          Also can you turn on DEBUG logging on "org.teiid.CONNECTOR" context and post the source query  that is being executed as part of this? You can also post the query plan for this.





          • 2. Re: MongDB can't get group by to work.

            Hi, I tried aggregate function with group by, but I still couldn't get it to work.


            Original SQL:

            select "grade", sum("score") as "sum_score" from "mongoDBDS"."grades" group by "grade" order by "grade"


            Transform query:

            SELECT grades.grade AS c_0, SUM(grades.score) AS c_1 FROM grades GROUP BY grades.grade ORDER BY c_0

            $group:{ "_id" : "$grade" , "c_1" : { "$sum" : "$score"}}

            $project:{ "c_0" : "$grade" , "c_1" : 1}

            $sort:{ "c_0" : 1}


            And it didn't work without aggregate function neither:


            Original SQL:

            select "grade" from "mongoDBDS"."grades" group by "grade" order by "grade"


            Transform query:

            SELECT grades.grade AS c_0 FROM grades GROUP BY grades.grade ORDER BY c_0

            $group:{ "_id" : "$grade"}

            $project:{ "c_0" : "$grade"}

            $sort:{ "c_0" : 1}


            Do you guys have any idea?




            Ivan C.

            • 3. Re: MongDB can't get group by to work.

              Do you see a exception? or get wrong results etc? what did not work?


              Since you see the expressions that are being sent to MongoDB, if you execute then in MongoDB console do you get results, or you think the MongoDB expression generated by Teiid is in-correct?

              • 4. Re: MongDB can't get group by to work.

                It got incorrect result. 


                Original SQL:

                select "grade", sum("score") as "sum_score" from "mongoDBDS"."grades" group by "grade" order by "grade"


                Transform query:

                SELECT grades.grade AS c_0, SUM(grades.score) AS c_1 FROM grades GROUP BY grades.grade ORDER BY c_0

                $group:{ "_id" : "$grade" , "c_1" : { "$sum" : "$score"}}

                $project:{ "c_0" : "$grade" , "c_1" : 1}

                $sort:{ "c_0" : 1}


                Expected Result:

                grade    score

                A          320

                B          150

                C          50 


                Actual Result:   (WRONG)

                grade   score



                It only returns SUM(score) and group by fields are ignore.

                • 5. Re: MongDB can't get group by to work.



                  Can you log a JIRA with VDB and some sample data.





                  • 6. Re: MongDB can't get group by to work.

                    How do I print out the VDB from VDBMetaData?

                    • 7. Re: MongDB can't get group by to work.

                      Take look at TestVDBMetadata