2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 19, 2013 6:35 AM by mauroa85

    im trying to create a BPEL process with Invoke of an external service inside a Scope


      Hello, I need some help, im not very experienced in BPEL i will try to explain the best way i can.

      (Hopping  this is the right place to post)


      So I have 2 instances of Jboss Running on my machine, Eclipse Kepler (both instances) Version: Kepler Release Build id: 20130320-2352


      1st instance is : Jboss 5.1.0GA + RiftSaw 2.3.0 Final  @ port 8180 , BPEL  editor ,JRE 1.6

          JBoss BPEL Editor1.2.100.Final-v20130828-1244-B1026
            BPEL Commons1.0.3.v20130816-0854-CI
            BPEL Runtime Adapter for Apache ODE
            BPEL Visual Designer1.0.3.v20130816-0854-CI


      2nd instace: Jboss As 7.1  @port 8080 This will publish my webservices  axis 1.4



      Want to create a Bpel Process that runs at 1st instance(8180)

      In my BPEL process i have a scope with 2 assigns and a invoke that will call a webservice ( @ port 8080) ,

      this invoke wil recive some input and send some output that i will have to Process to send to the next stpes of the bpel process.


      The invoke as Global Vars  Request Response,

      Te bpel look like  Main->ReciveInput->SCOPE->Assign->invoke->assign(End Of scope) -> Output


      When i run the build to  deploy i have the following message errors:


      4:54:01,095 ERROR [BpelC] file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:52: error: [UndeclaredXsdType] Attempt to reference undeclared XSD type "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string".

      14:54:01,099 ERROR [BpelC] file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:93: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".

      14:54:01,100 ERROR [BpelC] null:97: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".

      14:54:01,102 ERROR [BpelC] file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:112: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Response".

      14:54:01,103 ERROR [ProcessStoreImpl] Deploy failed; error: [CompilationErrors] Compilation completed with 5 error(s):

        file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:51: error: [UndeclaredXsdType] Attempt to reference undeclared XSD type "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string".

        file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:52: error: [UndeclaredXsdType] Attempt to reference undeclared XSD type "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string".

        file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:93: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".

        null:97: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".

        file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:112: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Response".


      I have had sucsess with this steps https://community.jboss.org/message/531481#531481

      Please can some one explain what im doing wrong here, what do i need to do here?

      I just added a Scope and things went wrong ...

      I have tryied declare  vars locally  in scope level, but i have the same problem

      What im missing ?



      Sorry for so many questions , Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: im trying to create a BPEL process with Invoke of an external service inside a Scope



          First thing - if you are looking to build a new system with BPEL, then I would suggest using SwitchYard, which has the newer version of riftsaw embedded within it. Riftsaw will no longer be supported as a standalone BPEL engine - only as a component within the SwitchYard ESB.


          Can you attach the BPEL process, and also explain why you need to introduce the Scope?






          PS - Riftsaw development forum is intended for the riftsaw development team's use. You should really post messages to the Riftsaw user forum. Also Riftsaw uses the Apache ODE BPEL engine, so if your questions relate to the BPEL description, or problems compiling, you may also want to post on the Apache ODE forum.

          • 2. Re: im trying to create a BPEL process with Invoke of an external service inside a Scope



            first off all sorry for posting my problem in wrong forum,

            and thank you for your quick feedback


            the need i have to introduce the Scope was to handle some exceptions from the service.

            the wsdl file from webservice that  i use to "set" the invoke has some schemas "embedded" as wsdl type tag


            then i realised that the problem was not from the scope.


            now i will moove on to SwitchYard. and try some other aproch like BPM


            Close this Topic

