im trying to create a BPEL process with Invoke of an external service inside a Scope
mauroa85 Nov 18, 2013 10:24 AMHello, I need some help, im not very experienced in BPEL i will try to explain the best way i can.
(Hopping this is the right place to post)
So I have 2 instances of Jboss Running on my machine, Eclipse Kepler (both instances) Version: Kepler Release Build id: 20130320-2352
1st instance is : Jboss 5.1.0GA + RiftSaw 2.3.0 Final @ port 8180 , BPEL editor ,JRE 1.6
JBoss BPEL Editor | 1.2.100.Final-v20130828-1244-B1026 |
BPEL Commons | 1.0.3.v20130816-0854-CI |
BPEL Runtime Adapter for Apache ODE 1.3 | 1.0.3.v20130816-0854-CI |
BPEL Visual Designer | 1.0.3.v20130816-0854-CI |
2nd instace: Jboss As 7.1 @port 8080 This will publish my webservices axis 1.4
Want to create a Bpel Process that runs at 1st instance(8180)
In my BPEL process i have a scope with 2 assigns and a invoke that will call a webservice ( @ port 8080) ,
this invoke wil recive some input and send some output that i will have to Process to send to the next stpes of the bpel process.
The invoke as Global Vars Request Response,
Te bpel look like Main->ReciveInput->SCOPE->Assign->invoke->assign(End Of scope) -> Output
When i run the build to deploy i have the following message errors:
4:54:01,095 ERROR [BpelC] file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:52: error: [UndeclaredXsdType] Attempt to reference undeclared XSD type "{}string".
14:54:01,099 ERROR [BpelC] file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:93: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".
14:54:01,100 ERROR [BpelC] null:97: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".
14:54:01,102 ERROR [BpelC] file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:112: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Response".
14:54:01,103 ERROR [ProcessStoreImpl] Deploy failed; error: [CompilationErrors] Compilation completed with 5 error(s):
file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:51: error: [UndeclaredXsdType] Attempt to reference undeclared XSD type "{}string".
file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:52: error: [UndeclaredXsdType] Attempt to reference undeclared XSD type "{}string".
file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:93: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".
null:97: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Request".
file:/C:/JB5/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/tmp/a2s4l4h-mijrpe-ho5tzx0g-1-ho5u3cah-ar/BPELOSQuickReading-1.jar/BPELOSQuickReading.bpel:112: error: [UndeclaredVariable] Attempt to reference undeclared variable "Response".
I have had sucsess with this steps
Please can some one explain what im doing wrong here, what do i need to do here?
I just added a Scope and things went wrong ...
I have tryied declare vars locally in scope level, but i have the same problem
What im missing ?
Sorry for so many questions , Thanks in advance.