3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 19, 2013 3:39 PM by rareddy

    Issue with data source creation TEIID70006 JBAS010477: At least one of ARCHIVE or MODULE is required


      I am facing issue while creating the data source below is the steps to reproduce  .


      1. I have added the data source thorugh teiid admin api  , its successfully added the data source
      2. I have deleted the data source through the teiid admin api , its successfully deleted
      3. When I try to add datasource ( adding the same data source which I have deleted earlier )  teiid admin api (createdatasource)  is throwing below error.


      ETJCF010E Error occured while adding the data source ERROR msg :TEIID70006 JBAS010477: At least one of ARCHIVE or MODULE is required

      below is the environment details :


      teiid version : 8.5


      jboss : EAP 6.1aplha


      the data source :


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






            <config-property name="ParentDirectory"






      Ravi katkar