1. Re: Any chance of a "ballpark" ETA for RHQ 4.10?
mithomps Jan 21, 2014 10:48 AM (in response to pathduck)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi Stian,
I think its safe to say that a 4.10 release will occur in the next month timeframe; given what we know we want in that release currently.
As for your issues with the graph rendering we will need to further isolate the problem now that holidays and release are behind us ;-)
2. Re: Any chance of a "ballpark" ETA for RHQ 4.10?
pathduck Jan 23, 2014 5:43 AM (in response to mithomps)Hey Mike - thanks for the update!
Looking forward to 4.10 and hopefully some of the issues are solved there. But you are saying it is not certain my problem with graph rendering will be solved?
I've been really interested in any progress on the graph rendering. I'll be happy to help in whatever way I can. Didn't we find that it was related to sub-resources on groups? Anyway we can continue on the BZ page.
Happy to hear from you
3. Re: Any chance of a "ballpark" ETA for RHQ 4.10?
genman Jan 23, 2014 5:11 PM (in response to pathduck)What was the BZ for sub-resources on groups?
4. Re: Any chance of a "ballpark" ETA for RHQ 4.10?
pathduck Jan 25, 2014 6:58 AM (in response to genman)Hi Elias, the BZ regarding graphing bugs, is this:
Specifically it looks like it's related to groups at the moment.
It would really help I think if more guys are having the same issue, to rule out local problems.