3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2014 8:30 AM by maxandersen

    JBoss Developer Studio MAVEN project


      If I create a new maven project named "getting-started" of type maven-archetype-webapp with the JBoss Developer Studio, then I get the following warning:


          Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type

          Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.     getting-started        Build path    JRE System Library Problem


      I installed Java SE 7 and set the system variable Java_Home to the jdk directory. Also I set by the installation wizard of JBoss DS the path to the jdk directory.


      Is there an update for this tutorial? I have the following problems:


      1. Section 3.2, the src directory, wich is created automatically is different from that one, which I would created manually.

      2. Section 3.3, its written "Right click on the project in the left hand menu to bring up dropdown box." -> "Select Spring Tools". But I could not found an entry Spring Tools.