3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 24, 2014 4:13 PM by shawkins

    questions about the ticket TEIID-2668




      1. In your comment of TEIID-2668 on 09/Oct/13, you mentioned "With the rationale being that large objects would be sent as blobs/clobs/sqlxml which are part of a streaming protocol and not in the request message."


      So we changed the data column type from List<double> to blob using google protocol buffer. But when we write big size of data to our Teiid VDB by procedure, still getting the same error ( Connection reset by peer: socket write error).

      We are using Blob, but didn't do streaming (call back), is that the reason?


      2. In your comment of TEIID-2668 on 17/Dec/13, you mentioned "There is now a system property on the server side to adjust the max message size and the default was increased from 1 to 2 megs."


      Which Teiid version is this fix in? Where is this system property? And how to change this property if we want to set it to bigger size?



      P.S. -- we are using Teiid 8.4 right now.


      Thanks a lot.

        • 1. Re: questions about the ticket TEIID-2668

          > We are using Blob, but didn't do streaming (call back), is that the reason?


          If you are using a prepared statement and the blob is set as a parameter the client should stream it to the server automatically.


          > Which Teiid version is this fix in? Where is this system property? And how to change this property if we want to set it to bigger size?


          The comment references the issue it was checked in under - [TEIID-2750] Improve handling of messages that are too large - JBoss Issue Tracker which was resolved for Teiid 8.6.  Can you upgrade?

          • 2. Re: questions about the ticket TEIID-2668



            As of now, we can't upgrade to 8.6 yet. We are still using 8.4.


            As you said, "If you are using a prepared statement and the blob is set as a parameter the client should stream it to the server automatically."

            1. Is this functionality in Teiid v8,4 (both server and client) or later version?

            2. That's exactly what we did, but still got the same error if we write 70,000+ number of Double through the blob column, no improvement after we changed from List<Double> to Blob.

            Any reason can you think of? Or can you give some suggestions to fix this issue with 8.4.


            Thanks a lot.

            • 3. Re: questions about the ticket TEIID-2668

              > 1. Is this functionality in Teiid v8,4 (both server and client) or later version?

              Yes, it is in 8.4.

              > Any reason can you think of? Or can you give some suggestions to fix this issue with 8.4.


              Can you provide a representative test case?