2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2014 2:55 AM by lakshani

    how to work jboss with docx4j library.


      I try to generate a pptx using pptx4j library. I could generate a pptx successfully. Then I applied the code to a huge project that run on the jboss 7 server. Project is sucessfully deployed on the server. But when I'm trying to run the application it gives following exception. 

      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/internal/bind/marshaller/NamespacePrefixMapper

      That exception is occurred for following line in the code.

      PresentationMLPackage presentationMLPackage = PresentationMLPackage .createPackage(); 

      Is there a special way run docx4j library on the jboss 7 server.