1. Re: how to work jboss with docx4j library.
adila01 Jul 1, 2014 12:32 PM (in response to lakshani)Judging from the information you provided, it looks like docx4j library is using a JDK internal library. I would avoid those kind of libraries because they will break in JDK 9 when Jigsaw is implemented.
I think the reason why it is failing on JBoss 7 is that it is running a JRE that is 6u17 or older whereas your box is running one that is newer. The namespace of that class in the JRE changed after 6u17. Therefore, that particular version of docx4j can only run on JRE's that is 6u18 and older.
I would recommend switching to Apache Poi for pptx if possible. Docx4j will give you problems in the future.
2. Re: how to work jboss with docx4j library.
lakshani Jul 2, 2014 2:55 AM (in response to adila01)Thanks adila01
I found another solution. Please go through http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24509810/use-docx4j-library-with-jboss-7/24510008#24510008