1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 24, 2014 1:49 PM by shawkins

    Same Table name in DB source and view gives error




      We have created a static vbd by importing tables from Jdbc connectivity. When we create tables in our views with same table name as in source, we are not able to access the odata URL successfully.

      Error in log: 'Group specified is ambiguous, resubmit the query by fully qualifying the group name: customer AS g0'


      But when we give different table name in our views we are able to successfully access the odata URL.


      Is it a limitation in teiid that the table name in source and view should be different??




        • 1. Re: Same Table name in DB source and view gives error

          > Is it a limitation in teiid that the table name in source and view should be different??


          No, but the access must be schema qualified appropriately to clear up any ambiguity.  So you may have to use an odata url containing the model/schema name with the entity name - .../schema.table...