1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 7, 2014 2:11 PM by shawkins

    VDB freezes when connecting 20 to 27 data sources


      We are trying to create a virtual datasource and selecting 20 to 27 datasources (all pointing to DB2 9.7.8 servers).


      Environment details:

      JRS 5.0.1

      Apache Tomcat 6.0.26 - running as a Windows service

      DB2 9.7.8

      Oracle JVM 1.6

      Window Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64 bit

      32 GB of RAM


      When we tried to create a vdb and it freezes. (**each database has 3652 tables/views).


      His JVM options are:



      We want to know your recommended settings for the JVM options for this size of dataset. Btw, increasing Xmx doesn't appear to help in this case. If VDB has any more than 4 datasources, we get this problem, but 4 and under is fine.


      Btw, does it help by changing the following buffer service properties?


          private File bufferDir;

          private boolean useDisk = true;

          private boolean encryptFiles = false;

          private int processorBatchSize = BufferManager.DEFAULT_PROCESSOR_BATCH_SIZE;

              private int maxOpenFiles = FileStorageManager.DEFAULT_MAX_OPEN_FILES;

              private long maxFileSize = SplittableStorageManager.DEFAULT_MAX_FILESIZE; // 2GB

              private int maxProcessingKb = BufferManager.DEFAULT_MAX_PROCESSING_KB;

              private int maxReserveKb = BufferManager.DEFAULT_RESERVE_BUFFER_KB;

              private long maxBufferSpace = FileStorageManager.DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFERSPACE>>20;

              private boolean inlineLobs = true;

              private long memoryBufferSpace = -1;

              private int maxStorageObjectSize = BufferFrontedFileStoreCache.DEFAuLT_MAX_OBJECT_SIZE;

              private boolean memoryBufferOffHeap;

          private FileStorageManager fsm;

          private BufferFrontedFileStoreCache fsc;

          private int workingMaxReserveKb;




