5 Replies Latest reply on Oct 14, 2014 10:59 AM by bezanson

    JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue


      Today I received the Red Hat Developer News | October 2014 and have a couple of issues.

      1. There is a link to Red Hat Rolls Out New JBoss Developer Subscription, Resources, and Technology
        1. The funny thing is, on this page they talk about the Subscription but there is no information of how to subscribe/buy (cost FREE) it.
        2. It seems there should be a link to: http://www.jboss.org/faq/
          1. This at least talks about the program - but again it seems confusing to me. Why, well I've been a member of this forum for a long time. This program is supposedly new by the press release above.
          2. So how do I register if I am already registered in Jive?
          3. Is there a way to see my memberships to confirm it?
      2. There is a link to download JBoss Developer Studio 8: http://app.engage.redhat.com/e/er?s=1795&lid=19615&elq=a927f8501934461dbd28854098556eb4
        1. When I click on the link it asked me to login to Red Hat and then I'm told I don't have the ability to see the link/download.
        2. After going through the JBoss.org site I found this page to download 8.0RC1:
          1. http://www.jboss.org/products/devstudio/download/
          2. Someone should check the links externally before these newsletters go out.


      Thanks in advance for any/all help,




      P.S. admin How is there a limit for a forum that I can only post content once an hour? How do you expect people to participate if they can't answer/ask questions in a timel

      Not allowed to post content more than once every 3600 seconds.

        • 1. Re: JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue



          I've forwarded your issues about the newsletter to the ones who made that - they should follow up.


          About the limit on forum then that is only a limit that is on new users to avoid spam from bots - the more you post the more access you will get and the limit will disappear.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue

            Thanks for the info Max.


            I had never seen that feature in Jive before. Guess for our internal use it was never an issue and for the external community I built it was all paid-subscription logins.



            • 3. Re: JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue

              Yeah, giving away access for free has its costs - one of them is having to fight spambots.

              • 4. Re: JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue

                Brian Bezanson wrote:

                P.S. Administrator Administrator How is there a limit for a forum that I can only post content once an hour? How do you expect people to participate if they can't answer/ask questions in a timel

                Not allowed to post content more than once every 3600 seconds.

                That problem has been raised more than once before, the latest one being last month here One post per hour but unfortunately there hasn't been any response or an indication that the rules will be relaxed or improved for genuine users (IMO, in theory it isn't a difficult thing to implement).

                • 5. Re: JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue

                  I guess that goes to the nature of how Jive is set-up. I'm thinking all posting has to be by registered users. And I thought there was an option for registration for CAPTCHA - to fight the SPAM bots.


                  And then for all of the groups and spaces they could be set that people had to request membership to be able to post -- and those registrations could be moderated to be approved - this allowing for validating real people.


                  I'm thinking this site is based on Jive 6 vs Jive 7 - see what Jive announces next week at JiveWorld 14. Maybe an update would help with some enhancements against the "bot" issue.

