1. Re: [forge-users] How to create a new scaffold-x provider
lincolnthree Dec 27, 2014 10:01 AM (in response to mathias.supero)Hey There,
Sorry for the late reply - the holiday season is always difficult.
First, I have to recommend that you try upgrading to Forge 2, since it will
make doing this infinitely easier. Forge 1 did not really handle extensions
very well beyond the simple plugin mechanism. Forge 2 is much simpler and
easier to extend, and Forge 1 is no longer under development or maintenance.
You should take a look at the new AngularJS scaffold for Forge 2. The code
is still a bit cluttered, sorry, but the concept of extending Forge 2 is
far simpler:
Just implement the ScaffoldProvider interface, then install your addon into
Forge 2:
Once your addon is installed (see installation instructions on the
angularjs addon page - just replace with your addon's coordinates) your
scaffold should be listed in the choices for available scaffolding when
running the "Scaffold - Generate" / 'scaffold-generate' command.
I hope this is helpful, and sorry again for the late reply.
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:51 AM, <forge-users@lists.jboss.org> wrote:
I am trying to cerate a new scaffoldx provider like this one:
forge/angularjs-scaffoldx-plugin · GitHub (
I created a new project and basically copied the code from the one above
just to test some things. Now, how do I make it that it shows on the $
list-scaffoldx-providers list so I can use it in a project? I have tried
the $ forge source-plugin command to add the plugin and it shows on
the $ forge list-plugins command, but not on the $ list-scaffoldx-providers
list. How do I install it as a eclipse project into forge?
I am using Forge 1.4.4
What I want to make is a plugin like the one mentioned above, to create
JSF pages from an entity. And I don't want to make it available to everyone
on the http://forge.jboss.org/1.x/plugins.html page, since I am only
studying forge and want to test it locally.
Posted by forums
Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/914121#914121
forge-users mailing list
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
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