3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 27, 2015 12:43 PM by shawkins

    JSONTOXML error




      I'm having difficulties with parsing the JSON request from our API and accessing the data. The typical response from our API is




          "batchId": "4485aabb13e54f23a2df7e2685f4b06d",

          "results": [


                  "requestId": "ac04922ef14641bfa3a0593301a79389",

                  "values": [



                              "columnId": 17,

                              "value": "BLG001"



                              "columnId": 18,

                              "value": "Sydney Bennelong Plaza"



                              "columnId": 43,

                              "value": "Retail"



                              "columnId": -2,

                              "value": 40813



                              "columnId": -1,

                              "value": 0





                              "columnId": 17,

                              "value": "BLG002"



                              "columnId": 18,

                              "value": "Sydney George St Store"



                              "columnId": 43,

                              "value": "Retail"



                              "columnId": -2,

                              "value": 40814



                              "columnId": -1,

                              "value": 1




                  "error": null






      This creates the following error in Teiid:


      org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Remote org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException: TEIID30171 Unexpected multi-valued result was returned for XMLTable column "columnId".  Path expressions for non-XML type columns should return at most a single result.


      The xpath used to get the columnId field is:


      ... COLUMNS columnId string PATH '/results/values//columnId/text()') AS A;


      I kind of understand the difficulty in parsing the response after it gets converted to XML, I'm just wondering if there is a workaround.





        • 1. Re: JSONTOXML error

          > This creates the following error in Teiid:


          Which means that the path evaluates to a sequence with multiple values.  XMLTable expects a single value.


          the JSONTOXML logic is giving you a document structure that looks something like:










          When in doubt just preview the results from running JSONTOXML to see the document structure.


          So when you give it a path like '/results/values//columnId/text()' there are multiple columnId values that match that at the given context.  You need your context expression (the first argument to xmltable) to express what you are iterating on - which should be a sequence.  This would look like:


          XMLTABLE('/root/results/values' passing doc COLUMNS columnId string PATH 'columnId/text()') AS A

          • 2. Re: JSONTOXML error

            You rock mate! Last question, is there an easy way to flatten the response? In this case I'm getting back two columns[1] but it's not easy to identify which rows link to which object.





            columnId      value

            17               test1

            18               lorem ispum

            -2                    0

            -1                   test

            17               test2

            18               lorem ipsum 2

            -2               1

            -1                test2

            • 3. Re: JSONTOXML error

              How would you identify which object?

              XMLTABLE('/root/results/values' passing doc COLUMNS columnId string PATH 'columnId/text()' requestId string PATH '../requestId/text()'

              Would put the requestId with each row.

              You can also use a FOR ORDINALITY column - FROM Clause - Teiid 8.11 (draft) - Project Documentation Editor