3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2015 10:45 AM by robertwalker

    how to install one jar variant of jsf (i.e javax.faces-2.3.0-m01.jar) on wildfly


      hi all, is this possible, to install one jar variant of jsf (i.e javax.faces-2.3.0-m01.jar) on wildfly?


      i really need a version of jsf where fileupload works on IE

      so i am thinking of going to a milestone, however, they appear to only

      have the one jar variant avaiable (no api jar)


      just dropping the javax.faces-2.3.0-m01.jar in wildfly-8.2.0.Final\modules\system\layers\base\com\sun\jsf-impl\main\

      and editing module.xml is not working (kinda doubtful it would work anyhow).


      thanks for any help jboss community